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March 29, 2008



That is funny - I bet your hubbys face was a picture!

Jenne Goulding

Oh my goodness and I thought my cooking was a disaster!! I saw this early today on Little Cotton Rabbits blog, well done you for trying it! Can I ask what dh has got for tea?

Please read my blog and see the grey, grey raining days! You are lucky to have lovely sunny days. We've all got the rainy day blues over here! I am going to try the lovely crayon ideas. I have a box overflowing. What a great idea! My blog is typepad - let's go fly a kite.

Wishing you a rainy day?!?!?!?

Best wishes Emma

Mary Beth

What a good idea to bake them in paper muffin cups. When I made mine they were very difficult to get out of the tin.


hellooo, for a split second there i thought I was not alone with my culinary skills, alas no.... crayons..of course! maybe I can fob some of my cooking off as drawing instruments,we've already had charcoal! anyway, just popped over to say hello and thanks for your message, I've been reading some of your blog and really like the way you write...loved the story about your daughter coming home with a new word that rhymes with 'sock'..very amusing!..out of the mouths of babes as they say!
Sairer x


the top photo is too funny - I can just imagine your husband's face! The crayons came out great though - good idea to use the paper cases - gives them a lovely crinkly edge!

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